MYDIN Prihatin continues to stretch our journey in empowering the community via the path of education through the Jelajah Generasi Pintar, a reach out program for the underprivileged students.

This program aims to alleviate the financial burden of low-income families by providing new school equipment as well as bringing smiles and excitements for the students back to school.

The first series of the three series program kick start at MYDIN Seremban 2, on 27 December 2022. The event attended by MYDIN’s Executive Director, Tuan Ahimmat Bin Mydin with 61 students from SK Gadong have been selected to receive the school aids.

Through this program, MYDIN has sponsored items worth of RM50, 000.00 to 400 students from five schools and two charity houses in Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Selangor, Sabah and Sarawak.